Just thought I would throw in one last picture from Christmas. This was Ava's school picture.
We are allowing her freedom of expression when eating....HAHAHA!!! They let her feed herself at School and she never looks like this when I pick her up.....I'm not sure what we are doing wrong?
Ava's playground...Our living room.
With her favorite playmate....Daddy!
First time on a slide....it didn't take her long to get the hang of it. She is quite the daredevil! The faster, the better!
Already trying different angles!
Having too much fun!
She loved the merry-go-round and wanted to go faster and faster (along with my heartrate!)....then decided to stand up while it was going...
Playing in the leaves at G&G Blair's
There is a bar of Lava soap at G&G Blairs house that is in a cabinet in the kitchen. Ava is obsessed with it for some reason and goes straight to the cabinet to get it out each time we are there. She knows it will be there each time and she carries it around like a trophy. Weird.
Ava had a friend of hers, who is 6, give her a Barbie piano. She LOVES it and plays (bangs on it) often....usually at night. Here she is showing her Nana how it works.
Last night we had dinner with our neighbors and they have a beautiful baby grand piano. Barbara sat with Ava and played a duet for about 15 minutes. Ava played alongside her and swayed/danced like Stevie Wonder!! She was really into it. She loves music and has even since she was in utero. Looks like we are in for a noisy household for years to come....hopefully, it will be music to our ears!
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