The girls had a very busy holiday season!! They had 5 Christmas' to go to! They must have been very good girls this year!

The girls having Christmas at their MeeMaw and Papa's with 4 of their cousins!

Ava, all Elmo'd out!

Ava with her new Elmo Live!

Ava having Christmas with her Great Granny!

What a precious baby!

With Mommy, waving at Daddy!

Having Christmas with cousin Hayden.

The first time these cousins have been together!

Trying to get into trouble with cousin Ashby....the first of many times to come, I'm sure!

Posing by the fire for Daddy!

In her new bib that her Great Grandma made for her!

On her new rocking horse that Papa Gary got her. She promptly had us remove the red safety seat.

Climbing on everything at Papa Gary's house.

Messy Baby!

She takes her baby Sasha everywhere!

Her cute scrunchy face that we love, and get to see a lot!

Playing with Daddy at bedtime!

A rare glimpse of her front teeth. Ava loves to tumble, but needs help from this position!

Again, with baby Sasha!

Crazy hair in the bathtub!

She loves bathtime!

How CUTE is she?!?!?

Obviously she thinks that baby Sasha needs a bath too!

Helping Daddy with the laundry!
1 comment:
goodness gracious those are some adorable pictures. enough to make your heart melt! I love Ava tumbling and Ava rolling around with dad. And poor dear, she's tuckered out at her high chair! I wonder how many grans in AR are named Meemaw?
Hot Dog I was glad to see your comment! Made me happier than any comment so far. I think my name and contact info must have just been released at the office. (I asked them to last week) As you can see by my blog, I've got lots of support from across the country, but nary a soul in AR - until today. I got a call from a strong lady in Little Rock and now you - HOT DOG! We've got to ban together . The next step is to learn the legislative process - when can residents show up at the capital and have their say about the bill? My email is maproom @ mindspring. com Drop me a line sometime so I can send out super insider emails..
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