This is the first time the we have been able to get our kids to pose for pictures and not be absolutely crazy while trying to photograph them! They did great!

And they may have had a little fun while they were at it!

Too sweet! What a precious age right now!

I told you....posing like champs!!!

Miles high-five-ing his soccer coach! He was actually good at that!

This particular Sunday it was warm and sunny and he had a blast!

It was only his second practice and already he was starting to follow much more of what the coaches asked of him. He would sit on his ball when they asked, high-five (of course), kick the ball, run collect jerseys off the field, etc. They have a water/juice break about every 7 minutes or so and he really enjoys running back to where we are sitting so that his other coach/Mom, AVA can give him his water and them promptly take it back and tell him to, "Now Get back out there!". Bossy.

Little Coach/Little Momma, also known at Daycare as "Ava G the Queen Bee". At home she answers to Bo Bo, Ava G, G-money or just "Money". Besides having gangster names, she is really progressing at school. She sounds out the letters to words very well and is trying VERY HARD to read. She is also adding, which is weird because neither her parents nor her teachers can take credit for this. We credit her iPhone apps and Leap Frog videos, as that is where she says she learned it! She is now quite proficient with a set of chopsticks and if I could figure out how to get my videos on here, I would show you! She went for her placement testing a couple of weeks ago and is now enrolled to start at the Anthony School in the fall! She is very excited about going to "big girl" school like Sissy.

Miles running the ladder. He is really quite good at his motor skills. Verbal, not so much. He is a boy, a second child and very bashful....three strikes against early speech. We had a speech therapy eval and they said NO WORRIES. He will talk when he has something to say! He loves books and will bring you one and then climb up into your lap and start turning pages. He is just now into animal sounds. Meanwhile, back to his strengths, he is quite proficient with a spoon-like he has used one his whole life. Which is good, since he eats like a truck driver. We just got him a pair of chopsticks to start learning now, while it is easiest to pick up. He is a big rough-houser and can take down kids twice his size by grabbing them around the waist and then dropping all his weight to the ground....then laughing his @&& off! He has a very hearty laugh and the deepest voice for a child that skinny I have ever heard! He is all gut and no butt. He has no thighs either. He has a smile that literally goes from ear to ear! Happy all the time.... except the occasional "tantrum" which he has recently mastered. We just do what we did with Ava and walk away.... generally laughing.

My goodness Ava and Miles have grown! Beautiful babies!
Thanks, but who is this?
This is Julie Dyer. You gave me your blog address when you were my anesthesiologist for my D & C in September '10. I hope this helps clear up some confusion. :)
Thanks Julie!! (I am actually a nurse anesthetist though) I hope things are going well for you!!!
You are speaking a foreign language to me but thanks for the job clarification. BTW, we also have a friend in common - Lori Lamitina. :) Things are going good for me. I also want to thank you for coming in and talking to me before my procedure. You gave me hope in a horrible situation and I needed that desperately! You definitely have a gift of compassion. Thank you!
It was my pleasure. I love Lori! We got to see her the morning the baby was born (CUTIE!!). Brad's best friend was having a baby 2 doors down that morning. Glad to hear you are doing well!
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