Why, when there is a door on one side, must you pull a "Duke's of Hazzard" maneuver each time you get in/out of this car?

Hayden and Miles going "Fishing" with the rods/fish Aha and Haha got Miles for his birthday. This game will be fun for years!

We may have to invest in a couple extra fishing poles though...

Ava loves playing with Hayden and asks for him to come over all the time, but lately Olivia has really grabbed her attention. We think it is because she is becoming more vocal and more mobile. Ava calls her "Baby Olivia" and likes to "pet" her like a puppy, play with her hands and feet, bring her toys, poppers, bottles and most recently, read to her. It is precious! I can't wait until they can really play together!

Ava and Hayden after a busy day (Grandmother's birthday and Razorback game) winding down by cutting, baking and decorating sugar cookies. They had a lot of fun, but our kitchen may never be the same.

Miles really wanted in on the action.

Earlier in the day we watched the Razorback ALMOST beat Alabama. This photo was obviously taken while we were winning (majority of game).

What happened?!?!! This is what EVERYONE was wondering in the 4th quarter!

Really? You are just going to LET them win now?!?! WTF?

Kinley cheered in the Fall Fest parade with her squad and the little ones got to cheer her on.

Ava was watching on the sidelines and decided that she could do the same thing the cheerleaders could do!

Growing up so fast! Such a sweet girl!!!
Waiting on the parade route for big sis!

Our sweetest little Razorbacks!
Ava asleep with her "iPhone". I snuggled up to a stuffed monkey at this age, not a $200 piece of technology.....It's a whole new generation!
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