I don't want to hear it from ANYONE who hasn't seen Ava work an iPhone! Yes, we folded and got her an iPod Touch. (complete with a Tinkerbell case!) We did it basically so I could have MY phone back. But to be fair, she is better on it than most adults. She has about 13 applications (Miles has 1) and frequents her photos (we loaded about 1300 family photos for her) and Youtube (her FAVORITE app of all! She has MANY videos saved.....mostly Spongebob, Dora, Tinkerbell, Barney, The Wiggles, Ice Age, etc....) We DO have to watch her though. The other night we heard gangster rap coming from her ipod....we looked and she had surfed and found a Spongebob cartoon that just happen to be set to a Soldier Boy song!
Little Pro
"Not Mommy's pone, ABA's pone! It's ABA's!"
She was very excited to get her own "Phone". You try explaining the difference in a Touch and a Phone to a 2 year old!
We were ALL happy for her to have her own 'phone'.
Nana turned 65 this month and was very excited about getting her Medicare card! (Even though she still has insurance through work) She deals with them a lot for her patients and knows how well the system works.

Grandmother and Grandadaddy had this cake made for her at Mickey's! She LOVED it!! (Note: this is NOT a real SSN)
Ava and Miles got a new car from Rhea Lana's and it is just like the ones she has at school....except this one she gets to drive INSIDE for a while! She is already 'multitasking' while driving!
It is not uncommon to get run-over at our house. This thins is small enough to go ANYWHERE in our house.

Ava surveying her bathtub while in her dinosaur hat MeeMa and Papa gave her. It is so freakin cute on her!

Miles is now in his "Big Boy" tub! He has been sitting up on his own for a while, so we figured it was time! He loves it because Ava tosses him toys from the jacuzzi tub...so they magically appear from thin air! He was giggling so loud the other night while Brad and I were brushing our teeth and we looked over to find Ava splashing water from her tub over onto him (LOTS of water....bathroom=soaked). He thought that was awesome and so did Ava......and so it begins....
Could he BE any cuter???
We hosted Kinley's Cotillion on Dance Contest night. We will be posting pics of her Spring Formal soon and also of her trophy!! Kinley won for 6th grade Best Waltz/Foxtrot!!! We are so proud!

Ava LOVES skating and we have to get all padded up on our concrete floors and do this almost every night! We need to just take her to a skating ring and set her loose with a helmet! She thinks falling down is great! HA!

A rare shot of the two of them together. When they are hanging out together, we are usually sitting there with them and forget to take pictures!!

SO cute!
This is a frequent position when she is "skating"!

Most people are relaxing and watching American Idol or something right now.....Not us! This is actually more fun and more entertaining!!

Miles has a thing for eating Mommy's face. CONSTANTLY. It is precious....while he doesn't have teeth. He is SO close to cutting his first tooth on the bottom. You can feel the corners of it pushing up....on your chin/face!!! I am a human teething ring right now, but by the time I post on here again, that will have to change or my face will be shredded!
Valentines day! The girls had fun opening their gifts and Miles really care. He was just happy watching the girls. He loves to watch them do anything. I will post a video soon of Brad having a pillow fight with Ava and Kinley with Miles watching/wishing he could get in there! It won't be long Miles!
Our little Valentines!
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