Wow, so much has happened since our last posting. I will see if I can get catch you up to speed. I uploaded the pictures backwards, so Christmas is actually at the end of this posting. Let me start with saying that Ava had an accident right around the time of the last posting. She reach up and knocked a travel mug with boiling water over onto her, hitting her in the face and scalp. She had second degree burns to her face (mostly left cheek, nose and forehead) and her scalp (probably the worst part of her injury). She had to have dressing changes three times a day for a couple of weeks and it was horrible, but she is doing much better now. She is healing nicely and we are hopeful that it won't scar. I will admit to "photoshopping" the burn out in some of these pictures. You are able to see it in some, especially her cheek. She now gets very upset if anything is even warm. Everything is "Hot". We are constantly having to reassure her. That has been the hardest part, along with her looking at herself in the mirror and looking disappointed and saying, "Ava boo boo cheek".
Ava turned in November and we had her party at the house. She had lots of family here which was fun. She loves Spongebob, Dinosaurs, Chipmunks and Tinkerbell! We opted for a Tinkerbell cake this year, although next year Miles might appreciate enjoying one of the others with her!
Miles hanging out with his Nana.
Miles hanging out with his Great Granny.
When it came time to open presents Ava became agitated/overstimulated. It's funny to me how we try to teach our kids to focus on one thing at a time and then on birthdays/Christmas we let them open a gift and before they can open it/play with it (which is what they want to do....FOCUS), we tell them to put it down and hand them another one. Bless their hearts, how confusing it must be for them!

Bless her heart! She didn't know which way to go or which gift to open/play with.
Daddy putting together her new Tinkerbell 4-wheeler.

She likes to ride it fast, but hasn't figured out how to turn yet, so she doesn't get very far!

Miles had had enough fun!

She is very into interactive play now. She makes the people go to bed, go potty, do laundry, eat dinner, etc. It's very cute. She is talking more than ever and is talking in sentences now. She will be great at learning any romance language as she is already good at placing her adjectives behind her nouns. She also likes to sing a lot and act out the song with her hands. Her favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She also sings the ABC song, If you're happy and you know it, Itsy bitsy spider, If you're happy and you know it and The wheels on the bus. She has them all saved on Youtube in "her" phone AKA my iPhone. We are hoping they will drop the prices on the iPod Touch soon so Ava can have her own and I can have mine back!

Ahhh, the party is winding down and so is Ava!

In the powder room. Sassy!

Ava talks a lot about Santa Claus, but when it comes down to sitting in his lap, she is OUT. This is the same expression she had last year. Miles is oblivious this year. Again, we teach our kids to stay away from strangers, especially creepy looking ones and then we hand them to this creepy stranger and walk away and smile at them! We have GOT to be confusing the crap out of our kids!

Miles "school" picture. Not bad for daycare! He must have been smiling at his teachers. He loves them and they spoil him! He is the only boy with 6 or 7 girls. One day he will appreciate those odds!

We went to have pictures made to give to Grandparents, etc for Christmas and decided to get one of ourselves and a family photo too.

This year Brad's sister, Keri and her husband and 5 kids came down from Indianapolis for Christmas. His other sister, Kimi, and her husband and 4 kids live in Conway. So, we decided to get all 12 grandkids together for pictures for Brad's parents. This was quite a challenge, for the photographer and the parents. We not only took this photo, but then changed them all into Pittsburgh Steeler clothes and had their picture taken again in front of a football field background for Papa Pete (Bonified Steeler Fanatic!). But the pictures turned out great, so it was well worth it. I am hoping to get a copy of the Steeler pic and I will post it. Very cute!

This was our attempt to get Christmas pictures of the kids for our Christmas card this year. Although, we found out that we needed to zoom out next year, as we ended up with just head shots this year!
I'm sure you can see where I photoshopped her left cheek, nose and forehead here.
The kids had 4 Christmas' this year! One at Papa Gary and Cindys, One at MeeMaw and Papa Pete's, One at our house with Aha, Nana,Pito, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins and then just us on Christmas morning. That is why you may see them in multiple outfits!
The 5 girls cousins together on Brad's side. I didn't get a picture of the 7 boys together.

I've still got it! Wrestling a two-year old and STILL didn't spill my wine. Glad I learned SOMETHING in college!

Santa has nothing on our littlest elf!

One of the rare moments Ava was actually still enough to get a photo of her.

That is one proud Daddy!

Opening her stocking at MeeMaw and Papa's. She would have been content with this! But wait, there's more!!

Ava standing on the precious stool her cousin Sarah made for her. Miles got one too and Ava is more than happy to jump off of it for him until he is able to do it himself. Ava did have on a very cute red velvet Christmas dress, but we never got a chance to take her picture in it. She discovered these Spongebob jammies in a giftbag under the tree, pulled them out and started taking off her tights, telling Nana..."Nana dress off, Spongebob on". We were very grateful to find out these were actually a gift for her from Amber and Andrew. So on they went!

Kinley discovered that Grandaddy Blair had never made a Gingerbread house and neither had she. She and Grandaddy put together and decorated this one themselves and it was freakin cute! I haven't been able to bring myself to throw it away.

Our tree sans presents.
Kinley, Christmas morning, patiently waiting for me, Ava and Miles to wake up.
She really likes the spatula and frying pan AND she knew how to use them....she must have seen Brad do that!
The kitchen came with plastic food, plates, silverware, etc. The minute she got a hold of the spoon and fork, she HAD to test them out! She wanted breakfast right then (in the middle of opening gifts) so that she could eat with her new toy fork/spoon.
Kinley opening her beloved iPod Touch that she has talked about nonstop for weeks. She must have been VERY good Santa!
Kinley holding the bowl she painted for Daddy for Christmas.
Kinley excited about her iPod Touch and Ava loving her spatula (gets that from Daddy, I'm sure, as I have NEVER looked at a spatula with that look of excitement). Looks like Ava gets her morning hair from her mother though.
Miles LOVING his glowworm!
Ava got a tent and a tunnel, which were a great hit! She and Kinley played in it all morning. Miles will be taking advantage of it soon enough! He acts like he is ready now. He never holds still when awake. He hates being on his back and wants to be bolt upright. We do lots of tummy time so he can hold his head up, practice rolling over, etc. We also prop him up in the highchair with towel rolls and let him hang out in the exersaucer. He LOVES it!
Miles checking himself out in the mirror.
Ava wants Miles to play with her so badly. She "reads" him books and shows him the pictures. She always tells him what the animals are saying, what colors are there, etc. She also shows him toys and tells him to "Look!" at the TV at Spongebob. It's too cute!
Ava cooking on Miles head.
Ava desperately trying to put a diaper on her baby!
Loving her tent at naptime! (Mom, that is!)
Hanging out in her baby's bed. Dork.
Miles LOVES this bumbo chair. He tries so hard to eat the toy!
Playing in the highchair. He gets very upset if he can't see "his people" when he is awake. He is already very social. He likes to be where he can see you.
Happy boy!
Ava after Christmas....NOT photoshopped.
Addendum: Ava is potty-trained!!!!! Yay!! Back to only one in diapers! She is now in big girl panties (Tinkerbell, Spongebob, Elmo and Dora, of course!). She is very funny though, once she has gone potty, she looks up and says to herself, "Good job Ava" and then wants to give you a fistbump! It's freakin adorable! Then everyone has to come look at the tee tee in the potty (I think that is pretty normal) and then they have to give her a bump too. We now get to go tee tee in the potty approximately 6 times an hour. I'm sure that the novelty will wear off soon and this will slow down, but it took Brad and I almost 3 hours to watch a 1 hour and 48 minute movie last night thanks to the Pottying Princess! We are so proud of her!
1 comment:
I heard about Ava a while back when I was at a birth, Nurse Jo told me about it. Glad to see she is recovering well. The family looks great, that boy is growing up a storm! Well wishes to all!!!
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