We have been preparing Ava for Miles' arrival. She points to my tummy when we ask her where Baby Miles is sleeping and she knows which car seat in the car is his. But that is about the extent of it. She is very funny....when we asked her where my belly button was the other day, she put her palms up and replied, "All gone". Everyone laughed except me.
She is really good at saying please and thank you, but whispers them each time...we are not sure why this is. She also will bless you when you sneeze and if you cough, she will ask you if you are OK....it's very sweet. She is going to be a great big sister...she already has the "bossy" part down. She is VERY good at NO, MINE, NOW, STOP, GO, etc... She is talking in 2-4 word sentences and can tell us exactly what she wants and when she wants it (NOW). She is very nurturing with her stuffed animals and dolls. She feeds them, checks them for poo-poo, pushes them around in her baby stroller and puts them in bed and tells them Night-Night. Her favorites are baby Sasha (her African-American babydoll named for the Presidents daughter), her stuffed dinosaur (She is REALLY into dinosaurs lately), Cookie Monster and TinkerBell. She takes them everywhere and sleeps with them each night....it's a bit crowded in her bed. She is also a huge Sponge Bob and MSNBC fan. Weird, I know. She will actually ask you to put on "Chris" or "Ed" meaning Hardball with Chris Matthews or The Ed Show. We have to keep a couple of them taped for when she asks (INSISTS) to watch them. It's actually very heart-warming for her Democratic parents!! HA! She recognizes "Obama" everywhere she sees him....again, heartwarming....
She knows her colors, numbers and about 10 letters. She is pretty proficient on our iPhones and has 4 applications of her own, but that didn't stop her from surfing and using the phone to call Nana recently. She even had the bluetooth to her ear, saying "Nana? Nana?". It's a whole new generation, isn't it?
Ava and her colors...
How old am I?
Ava and her letters...
Ava using her spoon for Spaghetti
Ava reading...
Ava watching Ed and Obama...
Ava spinning around...
Ava and her numbers...
Ava on "her" iPhone...
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