Monday, November 10, 2008


Ava had a Halloween party the day after Halloween and her monkey costume was too warm, so she went as the cutest punk rocker you have EVER seen! She even got into character and threw her first real temper tantrum right there at the party! We were so proud.

Her boots were a little to big, so she fell a lot that day. She didn't seem to mind the mohawk. She didn't touch it once.... I don't think she could reach it!

She is into climbing. Lately, she climbs on anything she can find. And she is quite good at it. At her party, we found her half way up their flight of stairs!

The night before, on Halloween, the girls dressed up as Alice (vampire from the Twilight books) and a Monkey. Kinley went trick or treating with her friends, but Ava had to stay in and hand out candy due to her ear infection.


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