Ava and her cousin Hayden at her summer dance recital. Hayden kept insisting that he was going to be dancing WITH Ava at the recital. We had to explain that he would actually be cheering her on from the front row while she was on stage. And he took this job quite seriously. As Ava took the stage with her group, Hayden yelled for all to hear, "HERE I AM AVA!!!" Ava did wave to him. I am going to try to post the video on here. Too cute! Miles and Olivia did very well sitting in the audience during the recital, but Ava's group was the second one to go so they didn't have to be good for long.

A rare shot of Miles with his popper. He isn't allowed to have one at school and at home he can only use them when sleeping or in the car. However, for the hour we were there prior to the recital, Miles was HORRIBLE.....which warranted a popper as far as we (and the rest of the audience) was concerned. Miles will be losing the popper when he is 2 like Ava if all goes well. I am hopeful, but have heard boys are a bit slower on the uptake.

Ava waving at her adoring family! Grandmother Blair, Nana & Pito, Meema and Papa, Mommy & Daddy, Amber, Hayden, Olivia and Miles were all on the front row. She loves the stage! I wasn't sure if she realized it was just a recital and not a concert. She sang through the entire thing!

Hayden and Olivia waiting for the recital to start! They were SO good!

Ava and a few of the girls checking to see if they were on their "marks".

She was so proud of herself and we were extremely proud of her!

OK, so they all appear to being doing different things. We have to give them a little break. Summer dance camp is only 8 lessons in 4 weeks and many of the girls missed some (Ava missed 4 due to vacations). They were still cute as can be!

Ava with her cute little girlfriend, Nadia who will be going to "big girl school" with her in the Fall.

Taking her bow. A little blurry, but I had to post it!

Each summer we get together with one of Ava's half siblings, Maddie Rae. She lives in California, but has family here. They also have a new half sibling who lives in NWA, Chase. We got the three of them together for a day of fun and it was so precious watching them play together!

Chase, Miles, Maddie Rae and Ava.

Playing on the waterslide on SUCH a hot day!

The girls decided to take the Jeep out for a spin and even took turns without any drama!

Sisters! How cute are they!!??

Wouldn't you just give anything to hear what they are thinking/saying to one another here?

Swinging once the sun set enough to cool off the swingset.

I think Chase had had it! That heat was zapping the energy out of all of us! Just think, next year he will be on that swingset with them. They grow up way too fast.

Maddie Rae with her Mom, Lisa. (Note: Maddie Rae was NOT happy to be leaving. God love her. Ava wanted them all to stay too!)

Chase with his Mom, Kristin. He was pooped! What a wonderful day!