Thank you Amber (friend from High School!) and Facebook for the snow ice cream recipe! The kids loved it. Ava added a twist....she wanted pink and Miles (she said) wanted lime green. Momma got purple and Brad, well he went CHOCOLATE!
I think Miles liked being allowed to sit on the countertop better than the actual ice cream!
Ava was very proud of her newest invention in the kitchen!

Our snowman (which had to have ears like Minnie Mouse!) decorated with various toys borrowed from Mr. Potatohead, buttons courtesy of Miles' toolbox, and a carrot from the kitchen!
Miles had had enough here and was ready to take his frozen little hands inside (couldn't keep gloves on!!)

Ava could have stayed out there ALL DAY! Only the promise of getting to make snow ice cream could bring her in. (Although, she was eating the snow the whole time we were outside... "I'm eating the CLEAN snow Momma!!!" TG!
We had a small sled, but it was plenty big enough to pull out 2 skinny kids! Talk about a workout!
OK, well a workout for me.

Saturday morning basketball game and Kinley was the cutest cheerleader there!! Ava and Miles cheered her on from the bleachers. They had more fun than anyone there! I had forgotten how fun bleachers could be. (wink)

The "snow-before-last". We didn't get as much that week, but it was enough for the kids to get out and have a bit of fun. Good practice, at the very least, for this last blast of winter!
He kept falling and couldn't keep his gloves on....poor little frozen fingers! He looks so TINY next to our 4 foot tall fence!! And that goofy had is actually giving him some artificial height!

Having such a good time!
Sleeping with Ziggy! She is finally bigger than him! I think Ava was enjoying this more than Ziggy.
Four Generations!
This is "Baby Chase", as Ava refers to him. He is her newest half sibling and SUCH a cutie!!!
Chase and his Mom and Grandmother came down for a visit after Christmas so we could meet him. We hope it's the first of many get-togethers!