Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas, Christmas & More Christmas...

What a crazy month!  But then isn't every December?  Santa had a lot to put together this Christmas Eve and was up well past 2 am doing so.  It is safe to say that Santa is in need of some sleep.  These pictures were taken Christmas morning at about 0230 by three of Santa's helpers.

Both little kids got bikes with all the personal protective equipment that they can possibly ever wear.   I don't remember even wearing shoes half the time I rode my bike in grade school, let alone a helmet or pads!

Lately, Ava has been completely obsessed with getting married and having babies.  WTF?  One of my recent patients also has a 4 year old daughter and told me that her daughter is the same way.  All we can figure is that the princess stories they watch/read all talk about getting married and living happily ever after.  Can someone PLEASE make a movie like College Bound Barbie or Career Girl Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty Goes To Architecture School/Medical School/Law School, ANYTHING except a girl in rags who yearns to marry a prince to put her in beautiful clothes and take care of her in his castle.  BOO!  NOT the message I am trying to send my daughters.

She keeps sticking her tummy out and rubbing it and looking in the mirror too.  Cute and creepy at the same time.  She constantly asks me to tell her all about when she was in my tummy.  She keeps asking if I can have another baby, or even better, twins.  (Ahhhhhhhh!!!!)  I told her NO, so she asked Brad and now I am trying to figure out how to translate "Over my dead body" to a 4 year old.   
Anyway, she got a dress up bridal gown with "glass slippers", bouquet and veil and we thought she might NEVER take it off.  She is wearing it in the majority of our Christmas day pictures, if not all of them.

Santa brought the kids a drum kit.  (clearly a serious lack of judgement on our part).

Ava got a new kitchen that she asked Santa Claus for and was upset when it wasn't under the tree.....only to be totally thrilled when she walked into the playroom after opening gifts.  Santa had it all put together in the playroom and under a large gift bag.  The kids got several different Melissa & Doug food sets and have been "cooking" tons of food for us ever since.

Kinley and Ava having ice cream and dessert in the new her wedding dress.

Ava on her new big girl her wedding dress.

Ava singing with her new microphone (that has a camera on it that attaches to the television so she can watch herself on TV), with Kinley playing the drums (be glad there isn't sound to this) her wedding dress.

Ava trying on her new bicycle helmet. (fit for a princess, of course)

Kinley had been saving up for a MAC Notebook and was thrilled when she actually got one Christmas morning.  Now all the money she has been saving can be used for other things that she wants to save for!  

We had these TOMS painted for her and they are so stinkin cute!!

Miles on the drums.  He is a wild man on them.  Our house may never be the same.  Thank goodness our neighbors love us and our kids.

Miles enjoyed watching himself on TV playing the drums.  It is a lot of fun watching them watch themselves.

Mercifully, these are short clips....make sure your volume isn't turned up too high if you are in public or at work.  How excited does Uncle Mike look watching his nephew get after it!?

Not to be outdone, Ava in a rare shot without her wedding dress, performs.

The kids playing basketball in the kitchen.  (One of my Duck Duck Goose finds)  Ava, in her wedding dress, of course.

Miles asked Santa for a choo choo train and he delivered!  He used our existing play table and set up a train set on it.  Miles hasn't left the train table since.  Thank you Santa.

Ava rockin out with the guitar and sunglasses that her friend David gave her for her birthday.  Notice she is still in her adorable cooking apron that Hayden and Olivia gave her for Christmas.  (If she isn't in her wedding dress, she is in that apron.)

Our gift from Mom and Jim.  LOVE IT!  And it is SO appropriate!  The kids love the iPads and playing on them, but it is hard to get them off once they get on!  This is such a cute take on "Goodnight Moon" and the kids actually like reading it!

Constantly singing.  She knows the words to tons of songs, but sometimes just makes up her own, which is so much more fun for us to listen to!

Miles' new train set.  Brad just painted a piece of wood to put it on so that we can lift it out whenever we want to use it for something else (like Miles will ever let THAT happen!).

Ava's new kitchen.  There is a lot of storage in it, but not enough to hold the Melissa & Doug wooden food sets, SO....Brad is currently in the garage building them a "Pantry" to match it perfectly.  God bless him.

I should mention that Santa was really smart and brought Ava purple, pink and yellow train engines, a lighted marine car (carrying a shark and squid) and a red caboose so that she can play with the train set too.  And the M&D food sets were gifts to BOTH kids so they can both cook in the kitchen.  Plus Miles also got a really cute blue kitchen apron with a choo choo train and his name on it from Hayden and Olivia for when he cooks in the kitchen.

A rare shot of Miles with his bike helmet on.  It is a tad big on him (we didn't see that coming), so we may have to trade it for a smaller one.

We put magic reindeer food out for Santa's reindeer last year and some of the red glitter was still on our deck in July.  So, I told Ava that we would have to put it in the yard this year.  She got a look of concern on her face and told me that wouldn't work.  She told me quite sternly that the reindeer land on the ROOF, not the grass.  She then told me that she would just go up the chimney and put it on the roof and that she wouldn't even be scared.  Hmmm....  So on Christmas Day we were making cookies for Santa and making gingerbread houses and I told Ava it was time for us to put out the reindeer food.  Again, she insisted that we put it on the roof by going up the chimney.  So, we handed her the bag of magic reindeer food and told her to go do it....

If you watched the video, you can see that she actually WAS afraid to go up the chimney and we ended up throwing it onto the roof and then putting some in the yard in case they wanted to come down for more.   Crisis aborted.

The kids had a total of 4 Christmas' to attend (which is great if you are the kid!).  These were taken on Christmas Eve before attending the Christmas Eve church service with their Nana and DaeDoe and Grandmother Blair.  Then off to Uncle Steve and Aunt Susan's for Christmas with their cousins.  Two of their cousins weren't able to come since they are waiting on their baby sister to be born....her due date: Christmas Day.   

Miles with his skinny jeans on because Mama forgot about the cute black corduroy's she bought for him at the beginning of school (probably because he has never worn them since they swallow him up!).  However, in hindsight they probably would have looked better with his shirt and tie!  Good thing I remembered them in the middle of the church service.

Oh, EasyBake oven how I have missed you and how you have changed!!  I LOVED my Easybake oven as a kid and Ava is already cooking dessert for us (probably about 5 calories each since each one is about the size of a thumbprint.).  I used to make cakes, cookies, etc with my Mamo Blair every weekend and thought it was the coolest thing ever.   Although, the cakes seemed bigger then, like the size of the palm of your hand.  Regardless, kids love to cook!   I guess that is why it has such staying power. 

Miles opening a present while Ava watches and waits patiently (this is new).

Jim checking out Kinley's headphone earmuffs that Sarah got her.   I'm not sure who liked them more!?

Earlier in the day we made gingerbread houses (actually a gingerbread choo choo train and a gingerbread village).  We have tried to make this a tradition each year as the kids really like it.

It's a wonder we were able to decorate any of it, as Miles continued to eat the decorations the whole time we were making them.

Proud of their creations.  Too bad they really don't taste that good.  Which is why we made a large gingerbread tree cookie and a large gingerbread man cookie which we decorated and took to Steve and Susan's for the kids to eat.  They destroyed it....and by that I mean literally destroyed it (although they did eat some of it too!).

Chirstmas at Papa Gary and Mimi's house.  

A rare shot of all three kids together.  Not sure why Miles is biting the inside of his cheek, but this was the only shot of the three of them looking in the same direction and smiling. 

Our sweet girls!

LOVE my kiddos!!!

I couldn't ask for a better stepdaughter in the whole wide world!  Love her to bits and pieces.  (I COULD however ask for a little lighter hair color so I don't look like I am wearing a black football helmet! HA!!!  Have since had that fixed.)

Smartest, sweetest, sassiest, prettiest daughter that I waited for my whole life!

My boys and their tools and trucks.  WHY do they have to make everything SO difficult to take out of the packaging?  If I was a thief, I wouldn't steal it for that reason alone.  (OK, maybe THAT's why)

Christmas at MeeMa and Papa's house.  MeeMa loves the Grinch, in case you couldn't tell.  If you click on the picture above, you can see all her cute Grinch ornaments.  


SO cute!


The girls waiting for supper and then the much anticipated gift opening!

Miles wouldn't let go of the ball/bat in order to get other presents open.

Each child always gets something Razorback from MeeMa and Papa.  Ava LOVED her Razorback dress and has already worn it twice.  (She changes clothes A LOT).   Miles got a Razorback zip up hoodie.

Ava opening a hat box full of dress up clothes with Miles' ball and bat in his lap....trying to open a present with out setting them down.

The kids with 4 of their cousins about to open their, in Ava's words, Jinormous stockings!   The other 5 cousins were in Indianapolis this year. We missed having them here!

Is is me, or do her rubber bands on her braces actually match her new headphones?

Santa Claus came to Miles' class at school and he was the first one to jump up in Santa's lap!  He jumped up and before Santa could ask, said, "Black Choo Choo Train!"  Shy, he is not.

These are the cookies we made for Ava's Christmas party at school.  (Thank you Pinterest, my new obsession!)

Ava the morning of her Christmas program/party at school.  She actually bought this dress with the gift card she received from Sriya for her birthday.  I took her to Toys R Us to use it and instead of a toy she insisted on this red dress.  Wow, I thought she would be around 13 before she opted for clothes in lieu of toys!  She has become such a girlie girl.  (Where did the little dragon/dinosaur/monster loving girl who wouldn't wear a dress unless I made her go??  She is growing up so fast!)

Her friend Owen at school.  His Mother and I loved this picture because he looks like he is checking her out!  Right before this picture he told Ava, unprompted, "I like that dress Ava".  LOL!! 
 Ladies Man!

Ava with Ethan (who she currently says she is going to marry) and David (who she has already married) and David's little Brother Daniel and older twin sisters Anita and Abbie who are visiting from boarding school in Nigeria.  I have to agree with Owen's Mom, these girls really should be on some kind of Disney show.  They are PRECIOUS and smart and funny.  Come back and visit soon girls!!!

They had someone at the party making balloon animals.  Here is Ava in her Pink Santa hat!

Ava with her Nana after her Christmas performance.  How proud does Nana look?

Ava with her classmates: Ethan, David, Nadia, Sriya, Owen and Lily (Carter was already gone and Franklin was in the other room).

OK, I think Owen REALLY likes that dress!  HAHAHA!

Ava's class during one of their 3 songs. She has been singing them around our house for weeks!

All three PreK-3 classes performing together.  Ava is the last one on the right.

On stage, post performance!

We have decided to make the Polar Express an annual affair.  We had so much fun last year that this year we invited family to come with us!  My parents, Brad's parents, my cousins wife and their kids, Kinley's best friend and Brad's sister/her husband and their kids all came and were in the same car with us.  Their were 19 of us!  Try getting dinner reservations for that!  HA!

The platform where we were all waiting for them to call our car for boarding.  It was raining (great for hair in pictures.) But they still had the artificial snow blowing as you went down the platform to board.  The kids loved it.

Kinley and Morgan giving Ava a lift.  I had asked the girls to help out with the four little kids since it was so crowded.  This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but they all seemed to be having a really good time, which was the whole point of being there.

Brad with his baby girl.

Miles and Mommy both having a bad hair day with the rain!!  Poor little guy got his curls from his Mom.  I can flat iron mine, he just has to deal with his for now.  But he wouldn't be Miles without his curls.  I couldn't ask for a more precious baby boy anywhere.  He has the sweetest heart and is the sweetest, busiest kid I have ever seen.  To say he rough-houses would be an understatement.  I'm afraid of how many ER visits he may give me, but I couldn't ask for more in a little boy.  He is my heart.

Chefs coming down the isle bringing hot cocoa and cookies, just like the movie.  First they read the book overhead and each car has a chef holding the book open walking up and down the isle. 

Looking out the window for Santa's workshop.  When we get to it the kids will be able to see the elves working on toys and doing acrobatics outside, as well as Santa and Mrs. Claus on the porch waving.  (Then the train stops and they actually get on to come see each child.)

A pensive moment. 

Cousins Hayden and Olivia watching for Santa and his Elves.

Nana with a rare, still moment on his part.

My amazing husband.  I am still trying to figure out what I did right to deserve him.  I'm so blessed to have him in my life.  He is a fantastic husband and incredible father.

We generally have as much fun as the kids do.  The excitement in their eyes is worth all the planning, trouble and yes, even rain.

Enjoying the hot cocoa (complete with whipped cream and sprinkles) and cookies.

Justin Timberlake called, he wants his hairdo back.

Brad with his Mom.

Olivia, Hayden and Amber right before Olivia spilled her cocoa all over herself and Amber.  :-)

The conductor coming around checking tickets and punching the kids' names into them, similar to the movie.

Miles giving Papa knuckles.

Here comes Santa Claus....

Again, Miles was quick to tell Santa that he wanted a "Black choo choo train".

There is NO telling what Kinley and Morgan asked Santa for (Santa looks tickled)....I'm afraid to ask!

Ava asked Santa for three things: 1) a pink bow with nothing on it (???), 2) pink and silver cupcake earrings (check) and 3) a real kitchen (and with a nod from Mom, Santa agreed to make good on these).

Santa gave each of the kids a silver bell from his sleigh (just like the movie).

Miles having a grand time in the isle with another little girl about his age.

Once we got off the train we went to Branson Landing (where we were staying the night) and they had a little building in the center of the center where Santa was visiting with the kids (apparently he had gotten off the train too...).  The kids hopped right up onto his lap and proceeded to remind him of the items they had just told him about on the train. 

2011 Christmas Card.  I am determined to get a good picture of the three of them TOGETHER for next year's card.

Another shot of the tree in their room.

Ava's new princess bed that Brad made for her.  She loves it and the sparkly silver prongs on the crown.  He is currently making Miles a half-pipe bed for his skateboard themed room.  That has proved a bit of a challenge, but I have no doubt it will look great.

Miles wanted his picture made as soon as he saw Ava getting her picture made in her new bed.  How could I refuse?

After coming home from a Girls Night Out, this is what I came home to in my bed.  God love them!  So sweet. 

Take one last look at those beautiful curls....(tear).  I have been dreading cutting it, since having very curly hair myself, I know that the shorter the curls, the TIGHTER the curls.  The longer his curls are, the softer and looser they are.  I really don't want him to look like he has a Justin Timberlake afro.  No offense Justin.

He was as upset about it as I was.

He isn't smiling because he likes it.  He is smiling because it is OVER.

I'm sure we will get used to it.  His hair just fits his personality.  

OK, it's just a dusting of snow, but they get so excited when they see it.  Now, with this tiny dusting, it took me 2 hours and 50 minutes to get to work......and the roads were CLEAR!    The last time we had an inch and a half of ice, it took me an hour and a half.  Hmmmm....  I think I prefer the ice.   I'm sure it's because every ding dong out there still had to go to work/school/etc. and was going 3 miles an hour and hitting their brakes constantly.  Whereas when there was thick ice, NO ONE was out on it, so I could actually get to work.  

Ava's school had a one horse open sleigh come the week before school let out to take the Pre-K3's on a ride at school.  Ava got to ride with one of the early education directors and her buddy Ethan.  

Brad and Kinley when we took her to see Cirque Du Soleil.  It was the first one she had ever been to and it was priceless to see her reaction to all of the amazing things they were doing.  We tried to get a ticket for her best girlfriend, Morgan, but they were completely sold out!  :-(


Lately, I'm not sure if it is the excitement of the holidays or what, but our kids have been boycotting sleep.  This sucks.  I make people sleep for a LIVING and I can't even get my own kids to sleep!  They   are refusing naps (staying awake through them), talking/singing/playing at night in their room instead of  going to sleep.  And NO amount of threats, promises, texting the elves, Santa phone calls, etc seems to matter.  They are getting bloodshot eyes with dark bags under them, which is very sad looking on a small child, but we are at a loss.  You literally cannot MAKE someone sleep without an anesthetic.  I know this now.  And since I have NO intentions of medicating my kids for sleep, we are just simply screwed and hope that after the holidays when school resumes, that they might sleep again.  

The picture above was taken at 11:15 after Cirque Du Soleil, when we came home and the kids were waiting up for us.  Nana admitted that NO, you CANNOT force anyone to sleep.  She tried.  The little ones were still up.  And Ava kept sneaking into Kinley's room to sit and watch her do English homework (school night).  Do you have any idea how much fun these kids were at 6 am the next morning?  

I do.

Ava her flapper dress she got with dress up clothes she got from MeeMa and Papa for Christmas.  This was before Christmas morning, so Santa hadn't brought her kitchen yet.  She was playing with some of her Melissa and Doug food/pans on her new art table that Brad made for her.  I can't remember if I blogged about it yet or not. Brad built her an art table since she writes/draws/colors/paints CONSTANTLY.  But I didn't want anything that would take up a lot of room in the playroom.  SO, he built a type of Murphy Desk that folds up onto the wall when not in use.  He put a mirror (non-glass) under it, so that it looks like a mirror on the wall. Genius!  

The kids have been really into The Nativity this year.  It is the first year I think that the real reason for Christmas really sunk in for Ava.  We got them the Little Peoples Nativity play set at Target in November so as we read the story, watched the movie, they could actually play with it as well.  What I didn't see coming is all the fighting over Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.  MY baby Jesus!!! NO, MY baby Jesus!!!!  

OK, well I can't think of anything more honorable to "fight" about.  So, as any reasonable, sleep-deprived parent who wants peace in their home would do, I went on Ebay and quickly got another Mary, Baby Jesus and Joseph.  "Problem" solved.  

At the Christmas Eve service at church, Brad had to take Miles out into the lobby about 40 minutes into it as he was losing interest.  In the lobby were several other parents with small children and a replica of the nativity.  I'm not sure why Mary is always portrayed in a blue robe, but she is.  Brad said Miles started yelling, "Blue Mary, Blue Mary!!!  Baby Jesus, Baby Jesus!!'  and that the other parents in the lobby seemed impressed and gave him a friendly knod.  He didn't bother to tell them as I would have, "Little Peoples Nativity Set, Target, $30".  LOL!  Merry Christmas!