Kinley has made straight A's all year so far!! She is going to be in all pre-AP classes next year. She also won 6th grade best Waltz/Foxtrot at cotillion! AND, she made 7th grade cheerleader!!!! What a great year for her! She is also going out for the volleyball team, so say a little prayer that she is able to make the team. What a terrific role model Ava and Miles have in her.
Ava started Tap/Jazz/Ballet and loves it. She has several adorable outfits (I couldn't decide, so I bought them all!) and loves getting dressed up. She really loves her black tap shoes for the noise they make when she walks in them. She has her first recital this summer. She isn't all girlie girl though. Lately, she has been OBSESSED with riding a dragon. She has seen How to Train Your Dragon at the theatre twice and LOVED it. She asks me every morning on the way to "school"/daycare, "Mommy, Ava go see dragons at movies? That's fun!". She begs me to let her ride the dragons and fly in the sky. I keep telling her if she can find one, I will let her ride it. She has all the dragon crap...all the happy meal stuff from the movie, the blanket, 4 sets of (boy) jammies (as the production company has been very sexist in their marketing to boys only....don't worry, I have let them know). She has the books, 3 applications on her iPod touch, the 3 foot stuff main character, Toothless the Night Terror Dragon (which Nana finally found after we tried about 6 other stores!). The movie won't come out on DVD until July, so until then......Ava is watching AVATAR. HAHAHAHA She watches the scenes where they ride the dragons OVER AND OVER AND OVER. She also has started breaking out into song constantly, no matter where you are, Church, Wal Mart, IHOP. She doesn't discriminate. She usually sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, 5 Little monkeys jumping on the bed or the ABC song. She knows them all word for word. Sometimes though she just sings her favorite part over and over again. EI: "(now) I know my ABC's, Next time won't you sing with me!" (imagine at top volume) (in IHOP).
Miles is really making strides. He has two bottom teeth and is busy keeping us up cutting more. He started crawling on Earth Day. He crawls on his hands ands knees on the carpet, but once on the stained concrete in the kitchen and bathroom, immediately goes onto his hands and feet with his butt in the air. (he has very sensitive knees! In fairness, Ava did the same thing) He actually prefers being up on 2 feet rather than all 4's. He pulls himself up all the time to stand. We caught him the other day standing on the hearth holding onto the fireplace cover (?). Ava had thrown his shoes and his popper (pacifier) behind it and he could see them, but couldn't reach them. But he was giving it his best try! He babbles a lot! ( We don't have a quiet one in this family!) He says Dada. We are working on Mama for Mother's Day. He was crying in his carseat recently and it did sound like naa naa. Ava said, "Mommy, Miles wants Nana!"
Ava and Miles are so anxious to be able to really play together. They both get so excited in the morning to see each other....I almost think I need to tape it to show to them for when they are fighting 24 hours a day in a few years! Ava can't wait to go "Get Miles" in his room at daycare when I pick them up. She runs over to him and hugs him, kisses him and says, "Hey Sugars!". She mimics me and Brad ALL the time now...probably going to have to clean up our acts now for sure. She has taken to calling Brad either Honey or Brad. He walked in from mowing the yard last week and she walked by him and simply said, "Hi Brad" and kept walking! If she needs him to help her with something, she yells, "HONEY!!!". She calls Miles "Son" about half the time. "Here's your popper son", "You need shoes on son", "Get your butt back in the bathtub son" (Miles like to climb out of his blow up tub). When she hears Miles cry she makes the most pitiful face and says, "Poor Miles!" It's priceless.
She has also apparently heard SOMEONE, somewhere using profanity. She was really constipated a few weeks back and was straining so hard. After a few tries, she hung her head and said, quite clearly, "Son of a bitch!" It took everything in me not to laugh. I had to walk away for a minute. We didn't make a big deal about it. We have replaced it with Son of a Gun. When Brad was putting a pair of Robeez on Miles feet and having a hard time of, Ava said, "What the hell Brad?". We have had to replace a few words now.