Ava started tap/jazz/ballet and is really enjoying it. She loves her tap shoes and the clothes. She will have her first recital this summer downtown. Now, will she actually go up on stage and will she know all the steps?? That's really more than we are expecting at this point! But she is SO cute!

Brad got Ava a "gator" like his, only pink. She LOVES it. It goes slow, fast and reverse. She tends to keep it on fast and go all over the backyard.
She really liked chasing Kinley in her gator.
Our little sweethearts at bedtime. God bless them, they are precious! ADDENDUM: Miles is now crawling! He was just getting up on all 4's and rocking in this photo, but as of Earth Day (April 22, 2010), he is actually mobile! Oh NO!

Miles trying to get some color out on the back deck....the boy is WHITE, cute but white.
He has big hands like his Daddy. He is already able to palm the ball! All he needs now is to grow about 5 more feet!
Miles graduates to the big kids tub.
Found them!!
Ava's first time to hunt for eggs. She shook each one to make sure there was either candy or chocolate in it. If it was empty, she would let you know it.
Miles' first Easter...he seemed to be getting into it.
Our sweet kiddos - Easter 2010
We can't get Miles to sit up in the bathtub! He loves to be on his tummy. Once the water gets cold, he will just crawl out! It may be time to move up to the big kids' tub with Ava!