Ava fresh out of the shower in her new Tinkerbell nightgown. She has the "John and Kate Plus 8" hairdo going on. We have never cut her hair and this is how it looks right after we wash it - crazy!

She is going through this period (or so we hope) where everything has to be PINK.
Ava and Miles spending some quality time together. Miles managed to lose all of the hair on the top of his head (except for a little Phil Collins tuft on the crown, which is long! Nice). He lost his hair on left side of his head, but on the right has hair and a sideburn and then has patches of hair in the back. Mercifully, a few weeks later, his hair is now growning back (in pictures to come).

Just look at that big forehead!! God love him!

We went on our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch with Brad's Mom and Stepdad and his Sister and her husband and their 4 kids. The kids get to do lots of fun things and each can pick out a pumpkin.

Miles didn't do much but eat and sleep throughout the day, but we enjoyed having him there. Mostly, he stayed in the Baby Bjorn on his Daddy's chest. Here MeeMaw is giving Daddy a break!
They had pony rides so all of the kids took turns riding them. Kinley looks like a natural!

She looks so tiny! And this was NOT a big horse!
They also have a tractor that pulls the kids in oil barrels on a ride around the farm. Ava was too small to ride alone, so Kinley rode with her.
Off they go!
And about 5-10 minutes later, here they come!
Evidently, it was past Ava's naptime and the vibration of the ride was just too much for her! Kinley said she fell asleep right after they took off!!
Group photo...this was the only one that Ava was not moving/fussing in the photo. (This was RIGHT before the barrel ride!)
They had a vat of corn for the kids to play in....too bad Ava was asleep for this, she would have LOVED it!!
Back to our house to carve pumpkins and eat Bar-B-Q!
Kinley showing Ava "how it's done"!

Kinley looking very serious and determined!
Ava trying not to get her hands dirty.

Ava was more concerned with the "guts" of the pumpkin than actually carving it.

We took a million of these, but none of them seemed to turn out with all of us looking in the same direction/eyes open/sun in camera/etc... this was as good as we could get.

Ava getting pictures made for me to use for her birthday invitations.
She always goes straight to our neighbors house!

Our baby girl LOVES to swing!

That's great....wear your Easter bonnet in NOVEMBER! Nevermind you wouldn't wear it for a single second at Easter!!!

Sweet girl!
Granny Roberts meeting her great grandson for the first time.
If only her son, his maternal grandfather had lived to meet him too. It breaks our hearts that he was never able to meet Brad or his grandchildren. We miss him so much. He would have eaten these kids up!

Ava in one of the two Halloween costumes she had this year.

Ava hamming it up!

She finally got tired and decided to hide from us. Where's Ava??

Her other costume that she wore to school for their carnival.

When I picked Miles up from school on the day of their Halloween carnival his teachers (one of whom went as a hippie) had put their wig on him! He was freakin adorable!!! (this is not the hair growth I was talking about)

In these picks you can almost see the fine hair on his head.


Our friends Leslie and Vince brought their daughter over to visit. She and Miles had a big time on the playmat on the floor. Sophie is just precious!!