Less than one hour old! Miles was born Tuesday, September 1st at 0701 am. He was 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He has a little bit of dark blonde/light brown hair and dark blue eyes (for now). He also has very big lips... compliments of both Mom and Dad. He looks JUST like his Daddy. In fact, if I hadn't carried and delivered him, I might have questioned his maternity!!! All he got from me are maybe his earlobes!
After his first bath in the hospital....you can see where he was presenting. His caput is just over his left ear. He should have been coming out with the back of his head first, or even the front of his head, but he tried to come out with the side of his head first....Already a Pioneer!!!!! This was the reason for the %&*$ing C-Section.
Big and Cheesy for a late baby!
Peaceful Baby
We couldn't have made it through that week without Nana! She was our rock. She kept Ava for a full week while we were in hospital and on through the weekend when we had complications. Ava is a very precocious and independent girl. We KNOW how much work she can be....
Nana and Pepito meeting Miles for the first time...Ava too, but she is more interested in "her" iPhone that she has been missing. Nana's razor doesn't have touchscreen, so she thinks it is broken.
Milk Mustache

Kinley meeting Miles for the first time. She is already such an amazing big sister for Ava....there is no doubt she will be just as great to Miles. What lucky kids to have such a caring and sweet big sister!
Can you see the love and pride or is it just me?

MeeMaw meeting Miles for the first time. This makes her 12th grandbaby! (And we believe her last!)

Safe in the arms of his great-grandma!

Aunt Kimi meeting Miles for the first time!

With MeeMaw and Papa....I can't believe he doesn't already have a Steelers jersey on this baby.

Getting to know Nana and Pepito.

Ava's first time being up close to Miles. During my pregnancy, when we asked her where Miles was, she would point to my tummy. When they put her in bed with me and I asked her if Miles was in my tummy, she said "No, All gone". When we asked where Miles was, she pointed to him and said "Baby". She can't say Miles, but calls him "Mymells". It's actually pretty cute and we find ourselves calling him Mymells....but I hope it doesn't stick!

Each time he cries now (which is only when he is hungry. Good baby.), Ava will run to us and yell "Baby cries, baby cries!!" and then run over to Miles and ask (loudly), "Mymells OK? Mymells OK?" until we assure her that Miles is OK.

I dreamed about this moment my entire life.

Bonding with Pepito.

Ava teaching Nana how to use an iPhone.

Ava holding Miles for the first time. She isn't real sure about this yet.

Still swollen from all the IV fluids...nice.
Miles with his Great Grandma...this is her 25th? great grandchild.....
Meeting his Papa Gary for the first time.
With Papa Gary and Cindy. It's hard to tell who is most proud here. Cindy is wonderful!
He looks comfortable to me.
Pictures from the week Ava spent with Nana at our house while we were in hospital.
Coming home (for the second time) from hospital. Ava figuring out that he is actually not leaving.
"Baby cries! Baby cries!" "Mymells OK? Mymells OK?"
First bath at home. I was still a bit too sore to squat down and bathe him, so Brad was on duty. You can tell he has done this a time or two.

Ava in the Steelers cheerleading outfit her Papa Pete got her. She wanted to sleep in it and cried when we took it off of her. She LOVES watching football. She woke up at 0345 am the other morning and came into our room and asked Brad, "Daddy, football on? Football on?". He was tired, but pleased as punch. She loves to watch football and yell "Ready, Set, Go!" and then "RUN, RUN, RUN.....BOOM" when they tackle. Brad is now teaching her to hold up her ams and yell, "Touchdown". Miles had better be as enthusiastic!

Practicing jumping....she is actually VERY good at this!
First trip to the zoo since becoming a big sister. We have been working really hard to make sure she gets lots of "Ava time" with us so that the transition with a new baby in the house isn't so difficult. On top of all this, she changed rooms/teachers at daycare and had to have surgery this past week. (she just had a cystoscopy with urethral dilation and did great) Miles was unimpressed with the zoo, but in his defense, he was only a week and a half old.

Oh well, they wash, right?
All the animals in the zoo, and we have to stop at their little playground every time.

Kinley's first Cotillion. She learned the waltz, foxtrot and chacha the first night! She had a really good time and met some new friends. It should be a fun year!

Ava's cousin, Hayden. He is expecting a little sister in a few months and we are so excited to meet her! We took the kids to jump zone and Ava and Hayden had a great time.
Even Kinley and two of her girlfriends were wiped out after a couple of hours.
Be afraid Hayden, be very afraid!
We have only been out of hospital for 5 days and are still walking around with a sleep deficit. I was worried Brad might just go to sleep on this slide!
Ava finally taking some interest in her baby brother. I can't believe that my "baby" is no longer the "baby" in our home.
God bless my little baby boy!
My heart!!
At 11 days old, he slept 7 1/2 hours during the night...after I realized we was still alive, we were SO excited!! We promised him anything he ever wants, cars, colleges, etc... if he would keep it up. Last night, he slept 6 1/2 hours overnight..... he WAS listening!
Aren't they precious when they sleep!?!?
How adorable is this? At least he was getting to watch football while he was multitasking!