It has rained here for weeks on end and Ava has been so anxious to go outside to play. We got her a pair of rainboots and even though the rain is gone she insists on wearing them everywhere! She puts them on each night after her bath and wears them around. No one has been able to mow their yards for a while due to the saturated ground, so the grass is high...so I guess the boots came in handy anyway!

Ava LOVES animals! She loves to hug and kiss them (with an open mouth!) and feed them. Here she is with our neighbors dog, Maddie. She is a rescued dog and so gentle with Ava.

Ava posing in her boots!

She was so excited playing catch with her new ball and mitt. Little did she know that the velcro in the mitt was actually the secret to her success! Oh well, it's building self esteem, right?

Like her cousin Ashby, Ava LOVES Sponge Bob Square Pants, or as she calls him, "Bob Bob". She has hundreds of books already and 'reads' them daily! We have to keep books in the car, my purse, our room, her room, the bathroom...everywhere. This is a good thing though, I think.

Ava's first attempt at fingerpainting something other than yogurt, applesauce, or marinara sauce. She found out quickly that the paint doesn't taste good.

Reading "Bob Bob" in her swing....the only place that she is calm and Zen-like!

We have been letting her use utensils lately on her own. She will no longer let us feed her. It is messy, but we figure it is the only way she will learn. She also has a pair of toddler chopsticks, but they are a tad big for her fingers still.

This picture was taken on April 8th. Ava had tubes put in her ears that morning. She was fussy for only about 2 hours afterwards and then her Nana and Daddy stayed home and fussed over her while Mom had to work. She seemed to do just fine. Very Zen in her swing. She will literally swing for hours.

Ava on Easter playing with a rubber ball that has a rubber string on it. She had more fun with it! Unfortunately, she fell a couple of times going up and down the stairs and bonked her head. She was fussy all day, but we figured it was due to no nap and sugar intake. But later that evening she started throwing up and bought a trip to Childrens ER and a CAT scan! Everything turned out to be fine, we found out the next day that she actually had a GI bug.

Ava and Kinley on Easter! Aren't they the cutest ever!?!