Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Daddy's little Razorback, Mommy's little Easter Bunny

Ava loves to watch sports! Brad thinks she is into the game....I think she likes the colors, fast movements, noise and deep announcers' voices.
She was cheering the Hogs on in the SEC finals against the Georgia Bulldogs.
We lost, but she didn't seem too concerned.
She is already close to outgrowing her little cheerleading outfit!

OK, it's not quite Easter yet, but I thought I would try to get a cute little Easter picture of Ava today. We went to get her picture made with the Easter bunny last weekend and he wasn't at the mall! So I got up today to take some myself and awoke to find Ava had scratched up her face during the night. Oh well, you know what they say about making plans....
She looks more like an Easter chipmunk with those sweet cheeks!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Little Milestones...

OK, these first few are just me watching her sleep! I love to watch her sleep!

The shirt says it all!!

She looks like she is "playing 'possum"!

Ava can't stand it if she is not sitting up and in the middle of everything! So Brad took 2 towels and propped her up in her highchair and she loved it!!! She can hold her head up, but isn't sitting up on her own yet, so she is getting to cheat a little.

She had so much fun!

She loved sitting up at the bar with her Daddy while he read the paper and she ate her fist.

God bless her sweet heart!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Too cute for her own good...

Ava doesn't like having the sun in her eyes while we are in the car. She makes a face that looks like she is sucking on a lemon! So today she got to try out her 100% UV protection baby sunglasses. She smiled when I put them on her and then she proceeded to act as if she has worn them all her life (all 3 1/2 months of it).

She is still getting used to the idea of napping in her crib. She has also started making some of the funniest faces and noises. She is still on the verge of a giggle, but not quite there yet....she holds her breath and balls up her fists and shakes all over....it looks a lot like a seizure, but is actually an internal giggle-fest!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It has been a crazy month since we last posted!

Ava has changed so much in the last month! She is now about 3 1/2 months old and on the verge of a giggle! She babbles nonstop....many of you may find that hard to believe, but it's true. She is such a good baby. She is very busy and anxious to sit up on her own. She is constantly lifting her head off the bed and struggling to be upright. Drooling heavily is her new thing and she is going through multiple outfits each day because of it. She is pulling anything she can find into her mouth and has recently discovered her thumbs. She is so excited to have two of them that she routinely puts them both in her mouth at the same time. Her smile absolutely melts us!! As soon as I can figure out how to upload video I will add some.

Oh the drool!

Poor MeeMaw....I hope it washes!

A rare shot of Ava in her crib!

There is so much here to play with!!

Poor sick baby! Ava caught that dreadful cold that is going around after spending 1 whopping day in daycare (if you can call it that). She ended up with a ruptured eardrum! Bless her soul! She is in remarkably good spirits in spite of it. Needless to say, she is no longer in said daycare as when I picked her up on her first day, there was 1 teacher there with 8 babies (against state law), she was filthy, her face was red/swollen from crying and she was being fed another baby's bottle. Nice. So I am currently just working per diem when I have family/friends who can watch her until we get into a REAL daycare. BTW, I did leave the woman "caring" for her at that daycare in tears and am quite certain she will need therapy after our "conversation".

Just waking up from a nap...all smiles!

Ava got her 2 month shots today (Feb. 5th)! God bless her heart.

The face of an angel!!!

If you want to get a lot of new photos of Ava, all you have to do is ask Nana to babysit! You end up with lots of great pictures!

One day she will actually sleep in her nursery!

Ava in her Bumbo seat. She loves it! She still has a little bit of a bobble-head, but is getting stronger each day!

Don't you wonder what they could be thinking?

She looks so small on the couch!

Ava watching Baby Einstein videos in her Bumbo seat. She is actually more into CNN and Sports! Honestly, anything that makes music or that "talks to her" makes her smile.

My Heart!