Ava hasn't slept more than 3 hours in a row since she was born. She very much likes to be awake, although not always happy when she is! We saw the midwife who taught our childbirth classes the other night and she asked us if Ava was sleeping through the night....we just laughed. She told us we didn't pay close enough attention to her and to "swaddle that baby tight" like a pea-pod and she would sleep through the night. We told her that Ava likes to have her arms out of the covers. We now don't care if Ava wants her arms out or not....it's pea-pod time!
We swaddled her up tight and placed her in her swing next to our bed and she slept from 11pm until 6am. I didn't sleep at all. She ate at 7pm and we got home late and Brad swaddled her up and she promptly fell asleep without eating. I figured she would wake up to eat at any time, so I
stayed awake to feed her. I kept trying to feed her until finally at 2am, I gave up and put her in her swing next to the bed. Every 15 minutes I checked to see if she was breathing. She managed to sleep all night and I didn't sleep a wink. Finally at 6am, Brad said, "Just get her up". I am exhausted and she is WIDE awake!